Bring modern health care to the doorstep of the poorest people.


MobileClinic-Bus2Bring modern health care to the doorstep of the poorest people.




As a part of the our 2014 USAID American Schools and Hospitals Abroad (ASHA) award, we received funds to fabricate a mobile clinic that would deliver modern health to the poorest people in rural India. ‘ASHA’ in the local language Hindi means ‘hope’ so it is only suitable we call this the ‘Hope Mobile’. The mobile clinic is a 37 foot bus equipped with a pharmacy, laboratory, dental unit, ultrasound examination room, and procedure room with ECG, suction and oxygen where we can deliver a baby if necessary. The bus also has India’s first vacuum toilet on a mobile clinic. With almost 500 million Indians defecating in the open, how to use a toilet is an education that we provide our patients. Now pregnant women and young girls who need to give urine samples have the privacy and dignity they deserve. Our nurses and staff also have the basic hygiene amenities required to work in a remote area.


Dispensing Medicine


Patient Registration

Patients are not charged to register (and have vitals checked) or see the doctor.
They are charged half of the market price for medicines, reagent costs for lab tests, and half the government rates for  ultrasounds, suturing and dental procedures.

On August 23, 2016, the USAID ASHA Mobile Clinic headed out on her first community visit. We visited the village of Sambalpur (population around 750), a farming community 20Kms (12.5 miles) from CHM. After 9 visits we have seen over 450 patients who have come from 33 small villages surrounding Sambalpur. We have seen a wide variety of cases
including pregnant women seeking prenatal care, infants with skin diseases such as scabies, TB, malnutrition, prolonged fever, chronic pain and weakness, diabetes, hypertension, farming injuries, urological and gynecological problems. We see an average of 50 patients a day.


Serving Everyone

Mobile Dental Clinic

Mobile Dental Clinic

On October 28th2016, we started operations in the second village of Birgaon (population 700) which is a central hub surrounded by four villages (collective population: 2000). We have seen 100 patients in two visits.

Eventually we aim to adopt 4 villages by early 2017. We choose villages that do not have health facilities, that have a large poor population, and where we can establish or already have links with the people and local government administration. We take 5 nurses, 1 lab technician, 1 doctor and 1 driver on the mobile clinic. 

We need your help to keep the mobile clinic running. We need your help to continue to treat people in remote areas who are too sick or too poor to make it to the hospital.


Health Education







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