ANNOUNCING a new chapter in CHM’s life and operations as of 2021

Dr. Priyamvada Singh and Dr. Sapan Kumar
and their letter of greetings to you all!

Greetings to you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
Belated Easter wishes.

We are privileged to join Christian Hospital Mungeli from 1st April 2021. I, Dr. Priyamvada Singh (37 years), have been working with the Eastern Regional Board of Health Services since I graduated from Christian Medical College and Hospital Ludhiana from where I’ve also completed a Diploma in Obstetrics and Gynecology and a Masters in Obstetrics and Gynecology. I come from a family of missionary doctors. My maternal grandfather, the late Dr. Premdaan Singh, served as an Ophthalmologist at Christian Hospital Mungeli and my parents were also dedicated Christian Missionary doctors who served in rural mission hospitals in India for their entire lives. My husband, Dr. Sapan Kumar (35 years), is a graduate and post-graduate (MD Pulmonary Medicine) from both Christian Medical College and Hospital Vellore. He has worked with the Mennonite Medical Board at Dhamtari Christian Hospital, Chhattisgarh until one year ago when he joined the Eastern regional Board of Health Services at Khariar, Orissa. We both belong to Chhattisgarh.

We have joined you Mungeli because we consider it a calling from God, and we see great potential in this place. Although it’s a big challenge for us, we promise to give our best. Please keep us in your prayers.

Yours Faithfully
Dr. Priyamvada Singh MD
Dr .Sapan kumar MD
Christian Hospital Mungeli



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